I wanted to share a personal journey that has led me to a cause very dear to my heart, and I invite you to be a part of it.

For the longest time, I held a limiting belief about running, struggling with physical discomfort and allergies that made every run a daunting challenge. So, why am I starting to run now?

This year marks the end of my 30s, and as I reflect on my health journey and prioritize my well being. I’ve been gifted one body to take care of, and for many decades, and far too long, I’ve been too hard on myself. I AM determined to break free from the stronghold that told me I couldn’t run and become a RUNNER! 🙂

So I’m excited to announce that on October 8th, 2023, I am running my 1st race, the Army Ten Miler, alongside 18 other dedicated Reynolds EmpowerHome Team runners. Our team is honored to join forces for the sixth consecutive year to raise funds in support of the Fisher House Foundation. Our collective mission is to raise $30,000 before race day!


The Fisher House Foundation is an incredible organization that provides a Home Away From Home for our Military and their families during their medical treatment. “Because a Family’s Love is Good Medicine.” Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military & veteran families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital. So Fisher House holds a special place in our hearts because we also serve families when it comes to their homes. 

Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for our country. Please support our fundraising cause and Debbie Reynolds,Reynolds EmpowerHome Team, and I are committed to matching 100% of your donation, doubling the impact of your contribution for our heroes! 

If making a financial contribution is not possible for you right now, your prayers and encouragement are equally appreciated. As I tackle this limiting belief and work through physical limitations, your positive thoughts mean the world to me. 

Thank you for considering our mission, and for your ongoing support. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for our country. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. 

Sarah & Debbie Reynolds
CEO / Team Leader of Reynolds EmpowerHome Team