Washington Colonial Style Homes with Front Porch under $900K
Washington , D.C 20002
Status: Coming Soon
Coming Soon! NOT ON MLS! If you would like to get the CURRENT price of this property, or for the most up-to-date information on this home, call the listing agent Sarah and Debbie Reynolds at 202-759-1266.
Your Price is Our Promise®. Your Property SOLD 100% of the Asking Price or We Will Pay You the Difference! DM or Call us at 202-759-1266. Visit us at HERE.
Fantastic Price for the Old City Neighborhood! Find some of the original 1916 charms in this property! Add some of your own touches and your equality goes through the roof! 3 bedroom 2 full bath home with Capitol Hill charm. The enclosed front porch gives you privacy in your deep-set front yard. Walk into an old charm with a gorgeous staircase and hardwood flooring. Come make this home your own, with the H street corridor known for restaurants, nightlife, streetcar pop-ups, festivals, and a real community feels. It is a beautiful property that you will be proud to own and call your own.