Your Price is our Promise!®

Your Home Sold for 100% of Your Asking Price, or We Will Pay You the Difference!*

While many real estate agents may promise to sell your home for the money you want, the reality of the real estate market is that this simply doesn’t always happen. The fact of the matter is, the majority of homes sell for a price that falls short of what sellers may have been led to believe.

This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this predicament, but Reynolds EmpowerHome Team has created a unique Your Price is Our Promise® Guarantee which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees that your home will sell for 100% of the asking price or we will pay you the difference!*

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We Make the Ultimate Promise!

If Your Home Doesn’t Sell, Debbie and Sarah Will Buy It
– That’s Our Guarantee

Debbie & Sarah personally take the risk out of selling your home with our exclusive Guaranteed Sale Program. We are so confident that we can sell your home, we GUARANTEE IT!*

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 R_EHT Guaranteed - Trade Up Program

Who Will Write the Ad About Your Home?

The right word choice can make a $20,000 difference in value at times. Our team has written over 1,100 real estate ads. We have the training and education and invest in continually trying to do better with each house for sale in the area.

Different descriptive words attract different types of buyers, each prepared to pay different prices. There is a SCIENCE to this that has been perfected by Reynolds EmpowerHome Team over 30 years, OVER 7,000 transactions, and over $1 Billion in total homes sold.

Debbie & Sarah are personally involved in the language and the words that will be written about your home!

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In it you will receive the answers:

  • What you should & should not do to get the most money
  • How to establish your asking price
  • Quick & Easy fixups that will make a difference to your bottom-line
  • How to maximize your largest asset – your home!

Plus! We will include the top 10 Questions you should ask when interviewing agents.

Receiving this guide creates no obligation to working with us, and it’s completely free! To order this FREE HomeSeller guide call us at 804-508-6689 or fill out the form!