#1 EAT BREAKFAST– Breakfast is the most important meal of the day on non-holidays, and especially essential on a day where a large meal is in our future. Eating Breakfast makes you less like to graze and overeat at dinner

#2 GET MOVING– Find a way to fit some movement into your Thanksgiving morning. Many towns and fitness facilities offer special Thanksgiving morning classes and events, such as Turkey Trots, to encourage some movement

#3 OUTFIT– Tighter clothes doesn’t allow for your belly to expand while eating. Though this sounds bad, expansion is what tells your brain “I’m full”.

Ladies: sweater dresses and leggings are great for Thanksgiving
Men: just leave the belt at home

#4 HAVE A SMALL SNACK– A small snack 1-2 hours before the big meal can help you avoid eating an entire tray upon arrival.

#5 BRING DA VEGGIES– These help lighten the “carb-overload” and add fiber and nutrients to the meal.

#6 BUFFET AWAY– Set up your buffet away from the main dining table. When dishes are on the table you are more likely to scoop more food. This also prevents the whole “could you pass me the …” while you are enjoying food and company.

#7 TAKE THINGS SLOW– Put the fork down and chat a little with your crazy uncle, and listen to stories from grandma. It can take 20 minutes for your belly to tell your brain it’s full.

#8 THIS IS NOT THE LAST SUPPER– No need to eat like you won’t eat again for days. Here’s the thing about Thanksgiving: everyone makes way too many portions of each food item. Which means LEFTOVERS will be in your future.

#9 A LITTLE SOMETHING SWEET– All those pies, cookies, and special desserts are in your future. Use small dessert plates, and take small helpings of items you want to try.

#10 THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW– Black Friday is a great day for getting back on track. Exercise is as equally important on this day as it is on Thanksgiving. Have a light breakfast (don’t skip). And if you’re heating up leftovers, stick to one plate with 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch, and 1/2 veggies. You had your chance to indulge on the holiday, but mindfulness needs to come back into play on non-holidays.

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